Sunday, September 6, 2009


Blessings All,
Welcome to my blog site. Hopefully at this site you will get a feel for Zambia, a place that has captured my heart over the last three years. I hope to tell you a bit about the stories here - the stories of the children, of the mission workers, and of how God shows up big time in some of the most remote places in this World. As I am writing the start to this site, I am preparing for my fourth medical mission trip here, leading a group of 5 to work and teach in a few places in Zambia, but mostly in a small rural, swampy town called Samfya. This work is sponsored by Global Connections, an outreach mission ministry of Willow Creek Community Church, in association with another Christian group, Bright Hopes, both trying to help the poorest and sickest in this world.

1 comment:

Princess Zindaba said...

Dr Marschke, Thanks for being such an inspiration to all of us. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring glad tidings, and thanks for being a light upon the darkest of continents. I will pray always. Mubaposheko ku Zambia ku myesu:)